Senin, 27 Januari 2020

Become Nothing

di 18.41.00

Hasil gambar untuk nothing

Let's talk about nothing. Nothing is not nothing at all. There are so many things in nothing. More important than any important things you have learned all of your life. Nothing is the most beautiful thing in the world because in nothing the possibility is endless. Everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Nothing is zero and empty. From zero you can become one hundred and be back to zero again. One hundred is nothing. Too many efforts to achieve that.

But how you construct everything back to nothing needs more courage and brain and planning. Keep thinking about nothing. The more you think, the more you gain everything. Living is nothing. Achieving is nothing. Breathing is nothing. Loving is nothing. Talking is nothing. Finishing is nothing. Working is nothing. Relaxing is nothing. Eating is nothing. Singing is nothing. You are nothing. Everyone is nothing. And when everyone becomes nothing that's when everything will become beautiful again.

-Lala Bohang

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